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Year round holiday shopping is made easy for you in this gift shopping bundle

Holiday Shopping at a fraction of the cost

You can wait until Black Friday and buy things you have been waiting all year to get. It may seem like you are getting some items for a steal but the reality is you are stealing from your shopping budget. Gasp. What if I told you that you could get the same gifts and more and spend less money by shopping year round? Rather than stress yourself getting everything all at once and still forget a gift for your brother’s new girlfriend, try my year round shopping method. 


Do any of these statements apply to you?


Holiday shopping is stressful


You always forget to buy at least one gift


You bust the budget for holiday shopping


You struggle with thinking of the perfect gift for some people on your list

Using a proven year round holiday shopping method means less money spent on quality gifts in a fraction of the time. No need to have game time stress of purchasing all the gifts at once and deciding hastily what to get. The plan is already done for you with the guide and supplemental gift ideas reference.

What's inside the bundle?


A guide for holiday shopping year round


Suggested gifts for each gift category


My step-by-step guide to bypassing gifting mistakes and creating the “Stay Ready Bin".


An exclusive spreadsheet to track and remind you of the process while shopping


Daria Wright

I first realized gifts was my love language while working at a retail store while in college. Of course, I did my fair share of discount shopping for myself but I would also scoop things up for others. Most of the time, it wasn't until Christmas which was many months away. My store discount, current sales, unique finds, and budget constraints (I was a broke college student) were my motivation to shop often in smaller spurts. I would buy things year round and eagerly wait until Christmas to see their faces while opening their gifts. I realized that the need to shop year round for holiday gifts is a commonly shared sentiment yet many people are still not doing it. I enjoy sharing tools and experience that can help others to begin year round holiday shopping and snag deals for yourself anytime of the year. 

Minimize your margin of error with a trustworthy blueprint for year round holiday shopping from yours truly